Issue 2 Major Art Progress Update

Hello again OLM fans!

This is your author back once again with updates on the second issue of Our Lady Maven.

In previous posts, we discussed that funding for issue 2 will be different from the first issue. We also mentioned that the main reason for this is to allow for time to complete the art before releasing it. One of our goals for issue 2 is to shorten the length of time to produce the copy. This has meant making a down payment for the art for issue 2 so that we can get the art started sooner in the production cycle. So today, we’d like to share some updates on the progress of the art with you all.


As you can see from the above process images, the second issue explores a bit of Anna’s past. Writing a heroes backstory is one of the most gratifying parts of producing a comic. Seeing the story put to outstanding art is another pleasure for an author.

Discovering Anna’s past answers some questions and raises even more. Who is the mysterious man she meets outside of the theater?

Once again, Sarah shows off her talent for producing visual intensity.

We how have 8 pages in production with more to come!

Readers can expect a slightly longer issue this time, packed with even more pulp spy action.

More to come —
