
OLM fans,

I’m pleased to announce that the last leg of printing is out! The last month has been spent finishing up the backer rewards for those of you who helped us out at a higher reward tier. I think you’ll be pleased with the quality of the rewards when you get them in your hands, but for today, I’d like to unveil the remaining art that we haven’t yet posted about for our backer rewards.

First, we’d like to show off the three pieces of postcard art sent to the printer:

We also reviewed our poster design, and decided to add a little unique value to it. Here is the copy you can expect to see if you have an Our Lady Maven poster in your future:

There will be additional posters available in the shop once the prints come in, so if you like what you see and you’re bummed that you missed out, don’t worry! You’ll have a chance to get your very own soon!

We also have the final copies of the trading cards:

The feedback we got on issue 1 has been overwhelmingly positive. By far, the most favored frame in issue 1 was our resident FFL member, Rene, telling us how he feels about French occupiers & collaborators. To this print, we added a trading card of Anna’s morse code radio set, and a smart photo of Anna herself. Each card will come with a title on the back and a serialized number for each card.

From here, we have a little more shipping to do before we get the packages put together and shipped out to all of our backers. However, we are getting close! We hope to have everything prepped and shipping starting early next month. Stay tuned for more Our Lady Maven updates coming soon!

